Puppy 13



This is a page dedicated to my boyfriend [pictured above, left ^u^] !!!! His name is Arlo, Arlojek, Arek, he's my slime, my joy, my FREAK!!!! My dog :D

I don't even know where to start with this, I have so much love inside my heart for him and I cried already after writing only one sentence... I've never met anyone this special, anyone who understands me this much, whos needs and values match with mine so well. Every day with him makes me believe in soulmates more and more!! It's really cheesy, this whole page will be so cheesy, but I will never apologize for it :D

He loves dogs, hot dogs, 00s-10s pop culture, religion, creating OCs, demons and angels, nostalgic aesthetics, cool music, playing silly video games with me, zoo tycoon, bananas, minions, cowboys, cool horrorish symbolism, themes of robots and scary ai, drag race, creepypasta [AAAHHH!!!] - AND ME!

We share a lot of interests, he gets me into his hobbies, I get him into mine and sometimes we get into something new together. I love sharing these things with it, exchanging stuff we like, doing everything together, listening to each other's infodumps and new finds. When I like a new tv show or a movie, I just can't wait to rewatch it right away with him, I'm always sure he will love it as much as me :D

Things that always make me think about him:
horror games
stardew valley
priest characters
conspiracy theories
pop music
dorian electra's fanfare
hot dogs
honey mustard
lady gaga
odie from garfield
drag race
00s fashion
scene culture

me and him!
cat x dog
angel x demon
shy x social
tall x short
blue x red
vampire x werewolf
goth x preppy
doctor x scientist

My boyfriend is an artist!!! I love his drawings so much and I'm happy every time he sends me anything he makes!!
Here are some of his art of US!!!! :